Wednesday, September 30

Day 24 - Burial and Thanksgiving Service

What a day of mixed emotions, with such incredible sadness in saying goodbye physically to our Talia and yet seeing such hope for the future. We have an absolute unmovable knowledge that we will be with Talia once again and we now understand when the Bible talks about "groaning inwardly" (Romans 8:23) for this day to come. We would do anything to hold our baby again!

I will share more about the Thanksgiving Service tomorrow (too exhausted tonight) and will pull out some of the video and post this also for those who were unable to make it. We had around 150-180 people come along to remember Talia, which was a great blessing to us.

There were around 50-60 at the Burial Service, and it was amazing to see the wind die down and the sun come out just as we started, then as we finished, the clouds and wind came out again - thank you Lord for reminding us of Your Presence.

We laid Talia in the ground and released 19 balloons to signify each of her days on earth, and the fact that her spirit no longer resides here, but is in heaven with God. The balloons travelled directly over Talia's grandparents and Aunty Alison's (and Paul) house which was another meaningful gesture from the Lord.

This is a lovely place for us to remember our baby and we will not forget her, since she has changed us forever!


  1. Alison RiggsOctober 01, 2009

    Dearest Jan & Jeremy, we send you all our love today. The day you planned (yesterday) to remember & celebrate Talia and to thank God for her, was an amazing tribute to your beautiful girl. It was also a powerful testimony to your love and devotion as her Mum & Dad and the power of God in your journey. You both spoke beautifully and with such dignity about your precious daughter and of immeasurable impact she will continue to have. Thank you again for sharing your life, faith and love with us. Alison & Paul xxx ooo

  2. I weep with you both at the loss of your darling daughter on earth.... I was with you both in spirit yesterday... I'm so sorry I was not able to be physically present, luv Cedar

  3. Cathie NowakOctober 01, 2009

    Dear Jan & Jeremy,

    I would like to express my immense gratitude to you both & your families, for the wonderful celebration service for beautiful Talia yesterday. I was deeply touched, wept many tears, and was enabled to understand to a greater extent, the amazing impact this tiny girl had on so many lives. How wonderfully God has used the circumstances of her short earthly life to impress on many hearts the immeasurable value of all human life, the rugged reality of clinging to faith when being tested to the extremes, and the willingness and ability of our Heavenly Father to support and carry us through the worst times immaginable.

    Thank you to you both, Talia's grandparents, Paul & Alison, Catherine & Pat, for sharing in such touching and meaningful ways your precious and treasured memories of Talia's life. You all really brought to life her nature and the way she enriched each of your lives in many special ways; it was such a privelege to be there and celebrate and mourn with you.

    I am continuing to uphold you both and your families in prayer, particularly for the times when you feel your knees buckling, that you will also feel the steady arms and strong hands of your Father, supporting you and lifting you up. May he continue to carry you through until you are able again to walk forward into the wonderful plans he has for your lives.

    Much love, Cathie Nowak
