Thursday, September 24

Day 18

Today was very good, although little Talia is still having to put a lot of effort into breathing on her own.

The doctor has increased Talia's milk to 6ml every 3 hours and her digestive system appears to be working well, although she has quite a bloated tummy. Considering she was on 1.5ml for her early days, this is a great step, although nearby babies in the NICU are having 100ml or more!

For the first time today, both her grandmothers had a nurse of Talia today which they were thrilled about.

Talia is certainly beginning to show her personality - lots of looking around, funny faces and arm & leg movements. She seems to like sucking the little dummy and was able to swallow a little milk orally which is encouraging though we doubt they would consider removing the feeding tube. She is developing a strong cry and let us hear it several times today!

Thankyou for all of your prayers and your wonderful practical support. We are so blessed and are feeling much more prepared for the potentially tough times ahead - still praying for God to remove the Trisomy 18 altogether, since this is not His intented diagnosis for Talia.


  1. What beautiful news! And what a joy to see the photos of the granpdparents' cuddles! May God continue to take Talia from strength to strength and heal her completely. We also pray that her precious parents will be refreshed by His Spirit daily. God bless you guys! Love, The Kennedy Family (friends of Ron and Jan at DVBC)

  2. I don't even know you guys- I know Alison through One Community Church- but reading your journey has been wonderful and inspiring :)

    I was so excited to read about today's developments. What a wonderful day for Talia's grandma's to finally hold their precious girl :)

    Praying so hard for all of you as you walk through the fire together!

  3. Dear Jan & Jeremy,
    Ali has just texted me.... I wanted to let you both know I am thinking of you and your darling daughter Talia... I'll add to the blog later yet I wanted you to know I'm thinking of you all today/ tonight at this time.......all my love at this time, luv Cedar
