Sunday, September 20

Day 14 - Repentance

There is a reason I didn’t post anything yesterday. I had nothing of value to share, because I fell apart!
In truth, I felt abandoned by God and overwhelmed by circumstances. So many difficulties have added to our journey and a sense of hopelessness overcame me as I tried to look forward. I was very angry at God, but this achieved nothing and so my anger turned inwards. Sadly, instead of supporting Jan, I drained her of faith and for all of this, I need to repent.

Today, God has begun to soften my heart and bring me back to Himself through a range of events.

Firstly, Talia is still stable and has been stable over the weekend, although medications and ventilator support is being reduced. She is becoming more responsive as a result and less happy with the tubes in her throat. The doctors are intending to remove the ventilator over the next few days and we will see how Talia responds and what issues this may bring. Clearly we want to see God bring about correct, stable breathing and then focus on the heart issues.

Over the weekend, we both had time for cuddling with Talia, but this was more complex since both Jan and I have caught colds and have been trying to ensure we don’t put Talia at risk (or the other babies in the NICU).

I want to share some of the things which God is allowing me to understand, since these are foundational to our journey:

It is inconsistent to understand that Jesus paid a price (His life) for healing and then believe it is NOT God’s intention to heal.

Can we say “God decided not to heal someone?”. Is it possible that God would actually cause sickness and disease to “teach us” something? How can God decide not to buy something that He has already paid for, since Jesus died for us to be saved, delivered and healed.

Would we expect God to turn us down if we ask for forgiveness? Most Christians have no difficulty in accepting the unconditional forgiveness God offers. Why then do we believe Jesus died only for our forgiveness and not for our sickness and disease, despite what the Bible says?

Why then is sickness not always healed? When Jesus was ministering, there was instances where additional persistence was required, especially in relation to His disciples. Even with what the disciples had seen and learned, they were sometimes unable to bring healing without further assistance from Jesus.

Why do we think that when we pray for healing and nothing happens, that it must be God’s will to not heal, even though this is against His nature? The answer is to persist and break through until it is no longer possible to do so. There is a level of warfare which we can only enter into based on our level of intimacy and worship to God.

Our pastor and friend, Steve Wyndham today shared a challenging message based on 2 Kings 6:14-17, which relates to the great prophet Elisha being attacked by the armies opposing Israel. His servant was terrified, but Elisha allowed him to see that God’s horses and chariots of fire were surrounding the armies.

The point is that we find it difficult to see what God is doing in challenging situations. We need God to open our eyes and allow us to see Him moving, to see His purposes and His resources – this applies in all situations.

By seeking intimacy and actively worshiping God, ESPECIALLY when there is no explanation for the circumstances we find ourselves in, we will achieve a breakthrough and develop a level of faith which pleases God.

I spent much of the weekend angry at God, because I had forgotten who He is. My need is to repent and get back into His arms, remembering that God is good all the time and His love and mercy never fails. God gave us each a will to respond to our situations and it is time for me to exercise my will to celebrate who God is, regardless of my circumstances.

In Luke 18:8, Jesus expressed His concern about the end days: “when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?"

We will persist! What life do you want to live?


  1. Cedar WarrenSeptember 20, 2009

    Dear Jan & Jeremy,
    I also get angry at God for big sad live changing events that have occurred in my life since 1998.....& I tell HIM & I believe GOD Can Handle my anger & I also believe God wants me to be honest with HIM where I'm at.... I've had 6 of my babies die in utero & YOU WANT YOUR DARLING TALIA to live fully healed & This is a wholesome; fair expectation for ANY Parent.... I pray you will FORGIVE YOURSELF as when we ask for forgiveness; God Forgives you... Now forgive yourself.... I continue to pray for both of you as parents & your darling daughter. Luv Cedar

  2. Dear Jeremy & Jan, I want to encourage you both to hang in there. I know it's not easy when we are trusting God for healing. I Know for myself I've have had to let go and let God be in control. Our society says if it is not instant it's not going to happen. But I know God sees the big picture and we only see what is in front of us. Only a snippet of our lives. You know Jeremey it's ok to be angry as long as we don't hang on to it. God gave us emotions for a reason. I've seen God's healing power in my own life in many ways. Once Instant healing but other times it has taken time. I've always done what the drs have told me to do. It was hard work at times but the result was still miraculous. Varified by the drs. I always say God is a God of complete healing. He is not a God of torment. He doesn't start and then give up, we do. I will continue to pray for Tahlia's complete healing and healing for you both so you don't have to be away from your beautiful daughter. Love Jenny

  3. Hi Jan & Jeremy

    I would like to encourage you to believe and surrender the situation to God. The evil one chooses these moments in our lives to use them in a way that is against the plan and purpose of God.

    My name is Brian D'Rosario and along with my wife Della go and pray with people who are faced with such situations and have seen God move in ways beyond our imagination as we step forth in the plan and purpose of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and we attend one community church. I know Paul Riggs and I once attended a seminar that we were blessed to attend because he had paid for everybody’s tickets.

    If it is okay we would like to come and pray with you at the hospital and with Talia or are happy to pray with you over the phone as we do this currently with people in Australia and overseas. The healing ministry is God’s anointing and calling over my life. God bless you both and our thoughts and prayers are with you. May the peace of God and the covenantal protection of the precious blood of Jesus cover you both and Talia as you journey forward in the name of Jesus.

    You can contact me on 0407804492 or 0421857964



  4. Hi Jeremy, I was reading Prov 18:21 today: "The tounge has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat of its fruit."
    Jeremy and Jan we join you in continuing to speak life and healing to baby Talia. Don't try to undestand everything but rest in His faithfulness.
