Tuesday, September 29

Day 23

Not much to say for today. We have been preparing for the burial service and thanksgiving service tomorrow and have been so sad thinking about all the work involved to deal with this loss, instead of being able to celebrate something joyous.

Nevertheless, we will celebrate the short life of our beautiful little girl who touched so many lives, especially her parents. Tomorrow we will bury our baby in a lovely peaceful place and Jan's sister, Alison has planned to send up 19 balloons to celebrate each day of her life.

We have decided to put up the video/photo presentation we will be showing tomorrow at the services, since there are a number of friends and family who cannot be with us at the service. We had originally planned to put this to another song, but Jan didn't feel it fitted at all and the duration of the video didn't match it either. This morning, I had a very strong sense from God (at 6am) to use another song which I knew we had somewhere, but I didn't really know it at all - We dropped it into the video and it fitted to the very second (as you will see). This song from Roma Waterman is called "I was Carried" and we will have to beg permission from Roma to use it, as it captures our journey so very, very well. Please click below to see some of our journey with Talia.


  1. Gabriel NorrisSeptember 30, 2009

    To friends and family of Jan and Jeremy,

    As I was reading the comments Jeremy posted on Sunday I was reminded of 2 friends I have who have suffered through the tragic ordeal of losing their first-born child. One friend had a baby girl who died from complications related to Trisomy 18 when she was 14 months and another friend whose son passed away at 5 weeks from a rare metabolic condition.

    In both cases their greatest fear was that their little person would be forgotten; that they had lived for so short a time that people would stop talking about them, asking about them or would not want to 'remind them of the pain'.
    I have tried so hard never to forget. I always send a card on their birthday and try to at least send a message on mothers/fathers day. As Jeremy said, they are now parents and simply because their little girl is currently being cared for by Jesus doesn't make them any less her mother and father and Talia any less their daughter.
    In fact, Jan and Jeremy have experienced aspects of parenthood that many of us will never know. They have had their faith and trust tested and have been required to sacrifice and suffer for Talia in a way that many of us will never have to (God willing).

    Both of my friends have gone on to have more children (praise God for blessing them both with beautiful healthy children :) I don't know what God's plan is for Jan and Jeremy's family, but if God has more children in His plan for this beautiful couple, don't forget then either!
    It will not be their first pregnancy or their first baby.
    Or if yourself are pregnant or have a new baby, don't forget that they know about the things you are experiencing. Don't talk to Jan like she doesn't know what you are going through- just because she doesn't have Talia in her arms doesn't lessen the experience of having grown her and loved her and birthed her.

    They have both expressed just how much it meant to them to be able to talk about their precious children with someone who did not shy away from their difficult experience and how special it was to have people remember on birthdays/mothers/fathers day as they were remembering too!

    Hope this does not sound preachy. Just want to encourage you all to remember this precious little life and to never lessen the parenting experience that Jan and Jeremy have gone through and continue to journey through.

    My prayers continue for them and for all of you who have stood with them and have themselves lost a precious niece, granddaughter, friend.

    Much love,
    Gabriel Norris

  2. It's 7.50pm Wed nite & I have been praying for you all today & I've been thinking of you all after such a hugely emotional day for you as parents of your darling Talia....May your comfort be from God whose only Son DIED as well - God loves us so much yet I'm sure TODAY ESPECIALLY you MAY be feeling angry at God- Tell HIM - GOD CAN HANDLE YOUR ANGER... I pray for all your souls.... Luv Cedar
