Saturday, September 12


Over the last 9 months, my wife Janette and I (Jeremy) have been through the nightmare of discovering our first baby (after 5 years of trying) was suffering a rare genetic disorder called Trisomy 18, meaning the baby had extra genetic information which would typically lead to devastating issues if it made it to birth, and a very early death if it lived beyond a week.

The doctors did not offer life to our baby - they advised that we should terminate this little creation, primarily to make it easier on ourselves for the future.We emphatically responded with NO; since this was the baby which had been given to us and God could bring good from any situation.

This was the beginning of our journey which we will describe in more detail in future posts, suffice to say that we have spent many months understanding more of God's heart towards healing and wholeness and His desire to bring about healing on earth "as it is in Heaven". We have learned, as we have seen miraculous physical healing actually take place, that God equips His people (Christians) with the authority to bring about His Will, which includes Salvation (knowing God to begin with), Deliverance (being released from evil) and Healing (wholeness of body and mind).

The journey has changed us forever and has impacted many of those with whom we have contact, and has provided us with the foundation and ability to live through the fear and uncertainty of our baby's future, knowing that both ourselves and our baby are safe in the hands of the One who loves us more than we could ever imagine.

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