Thursday, September 17

Day 11

Bill Johnson states that "Faith is required to tap into something which is not logical and outside of human capability. Only Faith can grab hold of a reality that we do not deserve".

We are now in a position of applying Faith alone in Talia's situation, and this struggle will continue through the journey of Talia's life. There is no obvious sign of healing at this stage, and yet God is calling us to hold on and persevere.

Talia's condition has not worsened, although she has struggled with a larger amount of food (milk). The doctors are trying various changes to reduce her dependency on machines, etc. The intent is to take her off the respirator in the next few days, but this could result in a range of complications related to her heart and breathing.

Jan spent some time today with Talia on her bare skin again, which was again such a joy to her and little Talia. It may take 10 minutes to set up, but it certainly is worthwhile.

A good friend encouraged us tonight that progress cannot be made without taking risks. I have never been afraid of risk, but when it concerns my baby daughter, this is a very different situation. Knowing that things are expected to change drastically in the next week or so is a fearful prospect, and we must take advantage of this time to hear from God.

If anyone wants to pray for us, please can you ask that we would hear clearly the voice of God and know what He would have us do in coming days. The Bible says that "Faith without works is dead" and I believe this is telling us that saying we have faith and not acting on it is meaningless. Faith is only relevant when the situation has no natural chance of occuring and so the worst case for us is that we will please God since "without faith it is impossible to please God (Heb 11:6)".

Thank you again for your wonderful, encouraging comments. It is a joy to know there are so many people holding Talia up in prayer.


  1. Dear Jan and Jeremy

    Please know that there's a team of prayer warriors from One Community Church lifting you, your family and Talia before our Lord.

    In your times resting in the Lord, May He give you wisdom beyond your own understanding, strength to endure the journey, and comfort and rest that replenishes deep to your very bones.

    God bless,

  2. Hi Jeremy and Jan,

    Under God you have brought a beautiful little person into being. She is an an angel unto God. He has given you a wonderful blessing to have and to hold, and to experience a beautiful new affection that will be with you forever. But like parents of teenagers, there comes a time when you have to release them. You have to offer the gift back to God, the only giver and taker of life.
    Also you have to manage the situation by taking into account Talia's position, not just your faith journey. What would Talia say if she could speak? What would her heart say?

    She would certainly express her abiding love and thanks to you, her devoted parents. But would she also say, at the right moment... 'release me back to the fullness of heaven. 'Don't hold me here by the intervention of machines when heaven is ready to receive me in perfection to eternity'.

    This is not about controversy or argument or criticism. This is about love and mercy and the highest good.

    Your faith for Talia is consumated in the arms of our everloving God. You have done all you can in love, prayer, faith and integrity.

    But the fullness of life for Talia is not ultimately to be determined by medical machines... in His time it is about release into his eternal love by a faith connection with a wisdom above our human wisdom and beyond our aspirations. Be at peace and rest in his love.
